While this might seem counterintuitive, 고소득알바 working part-time may sometimes allow a person to earn more money — particularly if they are able to juggle more than one job. Taking on part-time jobs also helps you to identify whether or not you like working in a certain field before committing to a full-time position.
Conversely, if you are looking for higher pay or better benefits, and can devote most daytime hours to your work week, a full-time position may be the best option. There are some job seekers who might want a more restricted schedule as well. For instance, part-time employees in one company might be expected to cover the morning shift on every weekday, but another company may require its part-time employees to cover longer hours only a few days per week.
Building a business case for reduced hours typically requires the part-timer to rework his or her job, so they ultimately end up doing the same amount of work, but with greater efficiency. Work-related stress also may be higher for part-timers, since they have less time off than part-timers. If you are part-time, your employer may have set the same threshold for increased overtime pay as it does for full-timers, so you may not receive overtime pay until you work more hours than a regular full-time employee.
Also, some of those workers hours might be determined by union contracts, which define full-time as fewer than 35 hours, and call for overtime to be paid for hours over this threshold. To clarify, an exempted worker, while he or she is probably working a full-time job for pay, is not entitled to overtime compensation if they are paid over $468 a week on a salaried basis and are performing an exempted task. The difference between non-exempt and exempt employees is that non-exempt employees are paid overtime (1 1/2 times their hourly rate) for any hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a week.
Yes, but anytime you work over 8 hours in one day and/or over 40 hours in one week, your employer has to pay you 1.5 times your hourly wage or your normal salary for over 8 hours. Exempt employees, on the other hand, are always paid the same salary regardless of the number of additional hours worked. As listed in the pros and cons above, how many hours employees work has an impact on all sorts of factors.
Because the availability of good-skilled, good-paying jobs is restricted to part-time workers, it should not come as any surprise that when you consider the industries and occupations part-timers are employed in, most wage differences between full-time and part-time workers are reduced. Regardless of how one interprets the differences, the majority of part-time workers earn disproportionately lower wages, enjoy few benefits, and enjoy fewer long-term career opportunities than their full-time peers who possess similar educational, experience, and personal characteristics. Involuntary part-time workers who wish to have full-time employment, but are working part-time due to economic conditions that are unfavorable to them, or because they are finding part-time jobs.3 In 2016, fewer than a fifth of part-time workers (4.7 million) fell into this category of part-time work, representing approximately 3.1% of all workers.
The most dramatic shifts regarding involuntary part-time employment were in the growing share of those workers who considered their hours to be full-time, even if they worked less than 35 hours per week, rising by 7 percentage points to 18 percent. A workweek that is shorter than 35 hours, a more common phenomenon over time, is the third-most frequent cause of voluntary part-time employment.15 Presumably, a variety of situations may cause individuals to describe their hours as full time, even though they fall short of the 35-hour mark. In this analysis, the term part-time includes workers who typically work part-time hours, whether their actual hours on the job in a given week were full or part-time.
Given that many full-time, salaried jobs require workweeks ranging from 50-60 hours, such an individual might end up working fewer overall hours. Part-timers can save money on child care costs, which can outweigh any additional income earned from working full-time. Not only may part-timers save money on gas and vehicle maintenance costs, they can also save dollars on monthly auto insurance premiums, which are typically based on mileage.
Employers may find that expanding access to part-time jobs enhances their ability to hire and retain workers in periods of low unemployment, making it a winning strategy for both employees and employers. To achieve the goal of opening up, many employers will need to implement more flexible hiring strategies, which will ensure workers who do opt for part-time jobs are doing so without jeopardizing their careers, wages, or benefits. For instance, a person with a degree in social work may be offered entry-level, part-time work that allows her to pursue simultaneously a masters degree needed to find more profitable jobs in the mental health field.
Recent graduates with a lot of energy may take on two or even three part-time jobs in order to get valuable experience working, as well as to get their foot in the door at an attractive firm. Many applicants avoid applying to jobs that appear above their experience and skillset, as employers will typically reject applicants without the right skill set for the job.
While men experience many of the same barriers women do–poor job choices, lower wages, limited benefits–they usually take those jobs because there is no available full-time job. Essentially, the less time that individuals have to invest in their jobs and the culture of the business, the less productive they are. If you cut your hours in order to return to school, or spend more time caring for a child or an aging parent, you are likely working equally hard, but getting paid less.